Friday, July 12, 2013

Best part of ‪Surface Intervals‬ ‪(SI‬) is enjoying the ocean breeze as ‪Dive Instructors‬ shuttle to the next Dive Site‬, Dive Boat‬

Best part of ‪#SurfaceIntervals ‪#‎SI‬ is enjoying the ocean breeze as ‪#‎DiveInstructors‬ shuttle to the next ‪#‎DiveSite‬ ‪#‎DiveBoat‬  

 When should I take the course?

SPE Dive School, LLC caters to busy professionals. Some of our students have had to wait several years to find time to take the course. We recommend that you enroll in a course as soon as your schedule allows, regardless of when you plan to go on your dive trip. If you complete the course several months before your dive trip, we'll invite you to participate in a free of charge "brush up" before your departure. Check out the course calendar to find a course that fits your schedule.

SPE Dive School, LLC

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