Friday, July 19, 2013

Great Video from our #Fish Identification Dive in the Grand Caymans -FishID, Scuba Divers, GoPro

Great #Video from our #FishIdentification #Dive in the #GrandCaymans #FishID #ScubaDivers #GoPro

Fish Identification Dive, Grand Cayman

The Fish Identification Dive (FishID) is designed to introduce divers to the habitat and behavior of fish. The type of underwater terrain where a particular species is likely to be found is considered its habitat. Reefs and surrounding areas are frequented by divers. The fish's normal activities that is often observed by divers aids in the identification of their behavior.

The Grand Cayman's ecosystem is rich with marine life and hundreds of dive sites. On this dive we identified angelfish, parrotfish, damsels, wrasses, groupers, snappers, rays, chromis and the longespine squirrel fish which are all very common in the Cayman Islands.

For information on Orientation, Courses and Trips please visit us online at We serve the Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Mid-Atlantic region.

SPE Dive School, LLC

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